Sunday, March 28, 2010


To start out, I would like to give a brief introduction to who I am and why I have created this blog. My name is Maisie Clark and I am a freshman at Wheaton College. For my Introduction to Cultural Anthropology class, we have to create a blog on a cultural phenomenon that we do not understand. I have chosen to blog about horror films because they are such a standard piece of American society and media. Personally, I have never enjoyed watching scary movies or experiencing any of the range of emotions that accompany being scared out of my mind. The majority of my friends, however, feel differently. Most of my friends could spend hours talking about their favorite horror film. Their conversations span from best plot, to best ending, to best twist. The very thought of some of the events they describe leave me cowering and wondering what kind of sane person would enjoy watching such torment. One thing that I really want to focus on is the “rush” that many people talk about experiencing during the conclusion of or directly after a film ends. I am also curious as to whether that “rush” is worth the two or more hours of fear that comes before it. Throughout this blog, I plan on using both research and personal interviews to gain a better understanding and appreciation of horror films.